
Unlock customer-centric success with consumer and location insights

Create leisure experiences that meet the ever-evolving demands of modern consumers

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Stay up to date with changing consumer habits

Understanding how consumer behaviour is changing has never been more important for leisure operators.

The what, why, when and where of how we engage with leisure activities has drastically shifted following a tumultuous few years – with the pandemic leaving a permanent mark on our lifestyles and the rising Cost-of-Living changing our spending patterns.

CACI’s suite of powerful demographic data combined with our abundance of consumer spend data enables leisure operators to keep their finger on the pulse of consumer’s wants and needs, where they are spending and why, across channels and regions.

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Create destinations that delight the consumer

CACI’s suite of demographic and location intelligence data combined with our powerful GIS tools enable you to both understand your customers and locate where they are based to support your network expansion strategy. 

Simultaneously, it will also provide you with a detailed understanding of the catchment of potential areas of growth to determine if they are the right fit for you, as well as building a more in-depth understanding of the demographics of the catchment around your existing sites so you can personalise each location for the local audience.  

These insights enable you to build destinations that deliver for both you and your customer.  

Deliver a seamless customer experience cross-channel

In a world of so much choice, driving customer loyalty can be challenging. But CACI’s data and insights tools combined with our customer experience expertise enable you to deliver a consistent, seamless, and personalised customer experience across channel – whether it’s physical or digital.

With a clearer understanding of what your customer needs, you can leverage this intel across every corner of your organisation, ensuring the customer is at the heart of every decision; from marketing, to location strategy, to service development. 

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Comprehensive consumer & location data enabling you to:

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Identify potential new customers and site locations

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Adapt your propositions and marketing to meet customer needs and compete successfully

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Assess and prioritise the most profitable new sites internationally

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Understand where there’s room for sales growth on existing sites

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Model how new propositions and approaches could perform in different locations

Optimise your store or branch catchment network with Acorn

Develop your understanding of the local catchment around each of your locations with CACI’s Geodemographic Segmentation tool. 

Discover Acorn today in our interactive dashboard to understand how you can tailor each of your destinations to the local population.  

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Related resources

Cost of Living – Monthly Consumer Insights Podcast
Cost of Living – Monthly Consumer Insights
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Location Dynamics – Expand your network across regions
Course One Brand Dimensions
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Chopstix Case Study Case Study
Chopstix case study - Strategic data partnership for sustainable, accelerated franchise growth


Contact our leisure experts today!