Gain assurance in your Digital Forensic processes

Contact us now for more details about our Digital Forensic Proficiency schemes
Proficiency testing enables digital forensic laboratories to compare their digital forensic processes against other organisations, enabling improvements to be identified and implemented. As the Forensic Science Regulator Code of Practice is now a statutory requirement, digital forensics units who hold or are striving towards ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation need an ISO 17043 accredited proficiency testing provider.
The following CACI Ltd Proficiency Testing Schemes have been accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for ISO/IEC 17043:2023:
- Computer-Based Devices - Acquisition
- Computer-Based Devices - Processing & Analysis
- Mobile-Based Devices - Acquisition, Processing & Analysis
To ensure compliance with The Forensic Science Regulators Code of Practice, and ensure quality of all Digital Forensics Investigation and Proficiency Testing services, the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) has also granted CACI with accreditation for ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
- Capture and preservation of data from computers and digital storage devices.
- Capture, preservation, processing and analysis of data from Mobile Devices, SIM cards and Memory Cards.
In addition, CACI’s Digital Forensics Lab holds certification from British Standards Institute (BSI) to ISO/IEC 27001 for the provision of Digital Forensic Science Services.