The end of the third-party cookie
Adjust your digital advertising in a shifting marketing landscape.
Google announced that they are postponing the sunsetting of third-party cookies on Chrome until 2024, claiming there is a need for more time to evaluate and test alternative technologies. However, does this delay mean marketers can breathe a sigh of relief?
With programmatic advertising accounting for 90% of the UK digital display ad spend, cookies have been at the heart of this market. But the cookie in its current form is not long for this world and the biggest web browsers are taking steps to phase them out.
This news is compounded by ICO guidance which states that the way many websites go about obtaining consent for third-party cookies is not compliant. So, whilst organisations may now have more time to prepare, there is still a need to act and consider alternatives.
In this white paper, we look at how the marketing landscape will shift in a (third-party) cookieless world. Plus, what digital advertisers should do whilst the industry comes up with a solution.
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